Um programa especial para profissionais culturais, que se apresenta como um espaço de partilha, reflexão e debate. Uma oportunidade para conhecer novas tendências artísticas e pensar o circo contemporâneo e as artes de rua, assim como os seus desafios futuros.
A special programme for cultural professionals, presented as a space for sharing, networking, and debate. An opportunity to explore new artistic trends and think about contemporary circus and outdoor arts, as well as their future challenges.
Inscrição individual e gratuita para as conferências e atividades de netorking. Esta inscrição não inclui bilhetes para espetáculos nem acesso a catering.
Individual and free registration for the conferences and networking activities. This registration does not include tickets for shows or access to catering.
Compra de pack PRO. Inclui inscrição no programa profissional e atividades de networking, bilhetes para espetáculos e acesso a catering.
Purchase of PRO pack. Includes registration for the professional programme and networking activities, tickets for shows, and access to catering.
Registo na oferta especial para membros internacionais da Circostrada.
Registration for the special offer for international members of Circostrada.
5 – 7 DEZ/DEC 2024
Junte-se a um programa vasto e diverso que destaca o futuro do circo contemporâneo e da criação artística em espaços não convencionais, em alinhamento com as mais relevantes tendências europeias. Uma jornada dirigida aos profissionais culturais (programadores, gestores, produtores, artistas, criadores, investigadores,…) e que destaca a diversidade do festival e dos participantes internacionais para promover relevantes e cruciais debates, plenos de networking e descobertas artísticas.
Em 2024 o programa destaca o papel das artes performativas como contributo para a criação de lugar(es) e inclui o CIRCUS FORUM e as Outdoor Arts Portugal Talks, sendo desenvolvido em estreita ligação com os projetos europeus BETA CIRCUS e Hand to Hand. Além do programa de pensamento e capacitação, os participantes poderão assistir ao programa artístico do festival e do Showcase Outdoor Arts Portugal e melhor compreender as propostas artísticas programadas.
Join a vast and diverse program that highlights the future of contemporary circus and artistic creation for unconventional spaces, in alignment with the most relevant European trends. A journey aimed at cultural professionals (programmers, managers, producers, artists, creators, researchers, etc.) that showcases the diversity of the festival and its international participants to promote relevant and crucial debates, full of networking opportunities and artistic discoveries.
In 2024, the program highlights the role of performing arts as a contribution to the creation of place(s), and includes the CIRCUS FORUM and the Outdoor Arts Portugal Talks, being developed in close connection with the European projects BETA CIRCUS and Hand to Hand. In addition to the thinking and training programme, participants will be able to attend the festival’s artistic routes and the Outdoor Arts Portugal Showcase, gaining a better understanding of the scheduled artistic proposals.
2024 conferences & networking
Welcome words
& Outdoor Arts Portugal Showcase introduction
Art in public space and social wellbeing
Circus and participatory arts: challenges and opportunities
Immersive local experience
Artistic creation and place(s)-making: Humanizing the common space
Circus and social ecology: a prosperous and sustainable relationship?
Info session
Creative Europe
The future of outdoor arts: exploring emerging trends and challenges
Pitch session
Outdoor Arts Portugal Showcase
Info session
& Closing words
LEME Party